Thursday, March 19, 2009

Has it really been 2 months??

Yes, it is true, I have now officially been in Sevilla for just over 2 months. TIME HAS LITERALLY FLOWN BY! It is so hard to believe I am half way done with my semester abroad!!! Wow.

Anyways, on a happier note, it is Thursday night at 8:20 pm, I have finished all my midterms for the week, and AARON COMES TOMORROW!!!!!!!! I could not be more excited. As for my midterms, they were fine...I found it VERY difficult to study as hard as I do at home, but I also sort of expected that. The tests here are also formatted very differently than at home...each test had a maximum of 10 questions. What is that about? I like long multiple choice tests...not 10 question tests where I am writing the whole time. But now at least I know what they are like and will be able to study better for finals.

Other than than this week was pretty good. Tuesday was Franny's 21st birthday, so we went out on Monday night to celebrate since a bunch of us had midterms on Wednesday. It was a very fun night! We went out for Mexican food, where our waiter Francisco literally poured tequila down Franny's throat...yikes. Then we went to a few bars in search of green beer, but unfortunately they did not have it until actual St. Patrick's day. The funniest part was that I managed to get two groups of foreigners to sing her happy birthday...first some Italians, then some Dutch men. I really felt like I was in Europe!

Another interesting moment of my week was today when I decided to get a pedicure. It all started the other day when Chrisy and I decided to get pedicures at this place called Spejo's that we knew did them because it said it in the window. It turned out that we needed appointments, so we made them for today. Mine was at 11 and hers was at 12, which we thought sounded odd that it took so long! Well, I was not only there until 12...I was there until 1!!!! When I first got there, I had to wait a good 15 minutes until someone finally told me to come with them. Then, she told me to sit in one of the hair washing chairs (you know, the chairs connected to the sink). I told her I was here for a pedicure, not a haircut, and she said she knew. Ok, sort of strange. Then, she proceeds to put plastic bags over each of my feet, at which point I was VERY confused. Next, she poured some hot soapy water into each bag, then wrapped them in paper towels, and I sat like that for about 15 minutes. Ummm....what? By the time she finally started the pedicure, which involved putting my foot on a high stool and having it be asleep the whole time, it was almost 12!! And then she kept telling me that I had blisters and she didn't want to touch them. She also painted my right big toe nail really weird...and I asked her to fix it and she said that she had painted it like that because the shape of my nail is weird and she was trying to make it prettier, haha! Thanks a lot! It all worked out fine in the end though, and my toes are ready for the beach!

Now all I have left to do tonight is eat, pack, and get to bed early!!! Aaron will be leaving the US in a few hours!! I'll give you all a quick run down of our week! I am catching a train to Málaga tomorrow at 7:30 am, and he is taking a connecting flight from Madrid to Málaga. So we will meet around 11 at the airport (yay!), and take the bus together to Marbella, which is only about 45 mins away. We are lucky enough to be staying at my uncle Fred's friend's apartment in Marbella for the weekend- it sounds amazing, and I cannot wait to be on a beach! So we'll be in Marbella until Sunday, when we are taking the bus back to Málaga and then to Sevilla. We'll then be in Sevilla Sunday night to Thursday, and Thursday night we go to Madrid. Then Aaron leaves from Madrid Saturday morning, and I take the train back to Sevilla. But I'm not gonna think about that part now!! I am very excited to see him and to show him what my life is like here, and I feel very lucky that he is visiting me! A lot of people do not have anyone coming to visit them during the semester; I've already seen 3 of my friends from school here, my family, and now Aaron! I am definitely a lucky girl.

Ok, it is just about dinner time but first I figure I should post my travelling schedule for the rest of the semester. It's pretty exciting!

March 20-22: MARBELLA with Aaron
March 26-28: MADRID with Aaron
April 2-3: FLORENCE with Dori
April 3-7: Visiting Emily in ROME with Dori
April 10-12: Lagos, PORTUGAL with Franny, Chrisy, and Jillian
April 17-19: MOROCCO with my interest group
April 24-29: PARIS with Dori
May 7: My birthday!
May 14: Last day of class!
May 17: Flight home (thinking of extending it a week and going to Greece though...!)

Alright, that is all for now. Time to pack!!!!! Hope all is well back at home and that everyone has been having/has a great spring break! Very jealous of all of my friends going to Amsterdam together this weekend AND of the Puerto Vallarta spring breakers....but I'll take Spain with Aaron :)


  1. so happy for you jess that you will be with aaron and show him your life in spain. be sure to take him to the flamenco show, sit him in the front row and let him be in awe of the synergy between the diva/dancer/princess and her two man slaves. have a fun jess

  2. dad is so so weird. hahahha man slaves! boy, that flamenco synergy! have fun with aaron! talk to u toms

  3. Have a great time with Aaron! Paul and I are with grandpa B. in AZ so we will be checking your blog from here. Love you!

  4. Jess,
    I know you are in Marbella right now, hope you enjoy it as much as I did! It's so beautiful there.
    I'm glad you're having such a great experience. Love the blog and am looking forward to hearing all about the rest of your journey.
    Love You,
    Auntie Barbara
