Saturday, February 14, 2009

¡feliz día de san valentín!

Just wanted to wish everyone a Happy Valentine's Day from across the ocean! They celebrate it here too- not as intense and Hallmark-y as it is in the US but at least it exists! My señora told me she thought they only celebrated it in Spain haha. If only she knew.

Today I received something very exciting- I was sitting in my bed in my PJs and I see that a random number is calling my Spanish cell phone. So I pick it up, and a guy says "Yesseeka Sylair?" (they have a field day with my name here). He told me he was at my door and that I should come down, and when I did, he had roses for me from a very special someone!!! I brought them inside and showed them to my señora when she came home and she flipped out!!! I think she was more excited for me than I even was haha!!

Those are the pretty flowers that are now sitting on my desk. Tita Charo arranged the bow like that for me. Thank you Aaron- Happy Valentine's Day!

Anyways, that was my excitement for the day. These past few days have been really fun, it's been great weather and we've had a lot of free time to shop, hang out, etc. Tomorrow we leave at 9 am to go to Aracena, which I think is about an hour from here, for a hiking day trip. I'm very excited, and I'll be sure to post tomorrow or Monday with an update and some pictures!!

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