Thursday, February 5, 2009

The Rain in Spain Stays Mainly on the Plain

Sooo now that it has officially rained every day for I think the past week....I am starting to get a little sick of it! Last night, I went to sleep to the sound of pouring rain. This morning, I woke up at good old 7:30 am, when it is still dark, and what do you is pouring rain!

Some of you may remember my "Jess in front of the Eiffel Tower" umbrella that I picked out and got for Christmas (this is NOT the same as my Jess in front of the Eiffel Tower coat). Anyways, it is very cute (red with a plaid-ish design) and small enough to fit in a bag- how great! WRONG. This umbrella was a bad choice. It barely covers me (every time I go out in the rain I am soaked from my knees down), so it definitely does not cover my bag. Which means by the time I get to my destination my pants, shoes, socks, coat, ends of my hair, and my bad are soaking wet. Which today, meant that my phone, which was INSIDE my bag, got water damage and stopped working for most of the day! Don't worry, it is back in action now...but I just couldn't believe how intense this rain is. Everyone I talk to agrees- we thought the weather was going to be nice here- no one packed clothes for this weather!

Haha soo that is my rant for the day. Clearly, the obvious solution would be to purchase a larger umbrella....but that would be giving IN to the rain. I am trying to beat the rain. However, knowing my luck, the second I spend 20 euros on a giant umbrella, the rain will stop and it will be beautiful weather for the rest of the semester. So I guess that means that at this point I might as well just cut my losses, buy the umbrella, and spare the rest of the city of Sevilla from this awful weather!! I'll let you all know what I decide to do.

On a lighter note, tomorrow is my last day of this Cultural History of Spain class- wooo! Next week I start my normal classes which I am definitely looking forward to because I am ready to get into a normal routine. I still feel like I'm running around everywhere (in the rain) all the time. If I get into all the classes I want, they will be:

Spanish Phonetics
Spanish Linguistics
The Historical Projection of 3 Cultures: Christianity, Judaism, and Islam
Art and Fiesta: Andalucía and her Popular Traditions

And yes, because people keep asking me, all of my classes are in Spanish. Ok well guess I should probably go study for my final exam now. But on a parting note, I would just like to mention that I have successfully eaten puree de calabacín (legit zucchini puree...might be some cheese in there too) twice now. I hereby grant myself the award for Pickiest Turned Best Eater of 2009, thank you.


  1. wow, puree de calabacin, damn near my favorite. i am impressed with your culinary adventuresomeness...just like your dad, ps, i still dont eat bananas. love you jess (buy the umbrella and a raincoat!)

  2. the rain in spain is never in vain

    ps-did you actually enjoy the delicious sounding vegetable puree? b/c i don't think you can get the most improved award unless you like these new foods

    I never heard that your Dad doesn't eat bananas! What a quirk!
    Enjoy your weekend in Granada!
    Love - Susie and Paul
