Wednesday, February 11, 2009

¡Hace sol!

It is finally nice out!!!! Today it was like 65 and REALLY sunny, and I got to sit and eat my lunch outside and bask in the sun! I'm not gonna lie, a small sunburn is even a possibility. How exciting!!!!

So before I begin telling you guys about my classes, I realized I forgot to mention a funny story that happened in Granada. I can't remember if I mentioned this before or not, but while we were visiting La Alhambra, so were what seemed like the entire country of Japan. So while we were walking through the gardens of one of the palaces, an older man came up to us and asked us where we were from. We said the United States, and asked where he was from. He said he was the tour guide of the group, and that they were from Tokyo (even though he was not Asian...whatever). Then he asked my friend Jillian where in the US she was from, and she told him Washington DC. All of the Japanese people's and the tour guide's face lit up and the tour guide says "Ohhhh Washington DC....OBAMA!". We all laughed and said "Yay Obama" as well...and then he told us that they really like Obama in Japan. We all were happy to hear it, thought it was a lovely conversation, and were just starting to walk away when the tour guide said "There's only one problem with him can't see him at night!". All our faces basically turned to shock, and then we could not stop laughing- no one would EVER say that in the United States, but they thought it was a completely normal thing to say and had no idea that that would be considered offensive! We walked away laughing, and made sure to take note of the comment to write about it in our blogs. So there ya go!

Anyways, back to Sevilla. As I said, we started our normal classes this week. For the most part, my classes are pretty good. My phonetics class seems a little tricky, but I really like the teacher, and phonetics kind of interests me. I'm a language dork.

My 3 cultures class has the potential to be very interesting, however the teacher far the worst teacher I have ever listened to. He is SO weird! He makes no effort whatsoever to connect with the class- he literally just talks for 2 hours straight and looks at the back of the classroom the whole time. It is really strange. I considered switching out of the class, but all of my friends are in it, and switching is a hassle. Also I heard the class is easy, so I guess I'll just deal with the weirdo professor!!

My art and fiesta class seems really interesting! The teacher is a little serious, but he seems like a good and clear teacher, and I really like the topics we learn about. It's basically learning about the culture, food, music, dance, holidays, etc. in Sevilla, so that should be really cool!

And my linguistics class also seems a little difficult, but once again I am interested in dorky language things like linguistics, so it seems fine. The teacher is also really good for that class.

So yea, that's about all the info about my classes for now! It is nice to finally have a set schedule and something to organize my life here around. I like routine.

On another note, tonight is the big Sevilla vs England futbol game (futbol=soccer), so the city of Sevilla has been crazy! There have been so many drunk British people out on the streets all day, it's really funny. Apparently David Beckham is going to be at the game tonight, so it's a pretty big deal. I think we are going to go to a bar somewhere to watch it, I am excited!

Well that's about all for now....except for wishing Jilly a HAPPY 18TH BIRTHDAY!!!!! I can't believe she is 18!!! What happened to her being stuck at the age of 8 forever??? Very strange. And I'm so "glad" that she had access to all the clothes I left at home to dress herself for her very special day. How convenient! Haha...hope everyone else at home is doing well! I'll write again soon!

Love, Jess

1 comment:

  1. jilly promised to return everything to the right piles after she wears and washes your clothes. great story. enjoy the game jess.
