Tuesday, January 20, 2009


Hi everyone!! I only have a minute because I have to go back downstairs to the lobby- my orientation group is meeting at 4 to go walk around Sevilla- but I just wanted to write a quick post saying I am here and I'm ok! Getting here was a huge pain but I am here now and doing well. Very tired...sorta hungry (weird food) but having fun so far. I will try and write more later!!!! Miss everyone!


  1. Hi Jess- We are so relieved and excited that you are in Spain. Get some sleep and enjoy! Are there any McDonalds in the area??
    Love you - Susie and Paul

  2. Hi Jess-
    keep those posts coming- we are all looking forward to vicariously experiencing your trip and experiences!
    Lots of love,
    Auntie Beth et al

  3. Hi Jess So glad you are safe and sound in Spain. What a trip. We traveled in thought with you all the way. Drink lots of water and buy candy bars. At least you are out of the snow and cold. Love you lots. G&GB

  4. Hi Jess- Could you please post your address in Spain? XOXO Susie
