Saturday, January 17, 2009

¡Sevilla Mañana!

So it is officially Saturday, January 17th...meaning I leave TOMORROW. I have been running around this past week doing last minute errands, and I finally decided it was time to take on the task of packing, which I have pretty much finished by now. I have two decently large suitcases that I'm checking, and of course a carry on. So far it looks like everything is going to fit!! Thank god...

Tonight I am going out to dinner with my family and Aaron, and then I am off to Europe come tomorrow! My flight leaves at 4 pm tomorrow to Philly, and then I have a 9 pm flight to Madrid from there. I get to Madrid at 10:15 am on Monday (the 19th), and have an 11:30 am flight to Sevilla! From there, I will get on a shuttle provided by my program (CIEE), and will be taken to the hotel that our orientation is at. I think we stay at the hotel for 2 nights or so before we move in with our homestays. I think I will probably start classes the following Monday.

That's about all for now...the next time I will be posting will be from Sevilla! I promise to be careful and safe for all of you worriers out there, and I will definitely be sure to let you all know when I get there!! ¡Adios a los EEUU por ahora...nos vemos en Mayo!

Con todo mi cariño,


  1. So it is officially Sunday; the journey begins. Very excited for you Jess!

  2. Enjoy the journey! Your parents will be taking in solids by the end of the week.
    We lot you so much and part of our heart goes with you- Susie and Paul
