Monday, January 26, 2009

La Primera Semana (the first week)

Well, it has officially been a week since I've been here in Sevilla. I can't believe it has only been a week!!! It seems like so much time has passed since I was last home. Anyways, as you all have read, it has definitely been a week of ups and downs, but fortunately after a week I can say that the ups are happening a lot more frequently than the downs. I have been a lot happier here since I became friends with 3 girls in my program (Franny, Chrisy, and Jillian). Before, when I had a problem or question, I felt very alone and discouraged, but having friends that I can call up, walk to school with, hang out in between classes with, etc has DEFINITELY made everything a lot easier.

I also started classes today, which I like because it gives me something to do. These first two weeks are what they called the intensive session, where you only have one class and its a Spanish grammar review basically, and there are all different levels depending on your placement test and oral exam. Saturday was when we had to go to the CIEE center to find out our levels and I was excited because I felt like a grammar review would have been good for me; I feel like my Spanish is so bad right now! Well, I get there and read my sheet, and it informs me that SOMEHOW I have been placed in the highest level for this intensive session, and that my class and I will NOT be having Spanish grammar review, because we "don't need it". Instead, we are taking Cultural History of Spain! So I was not thrilled about that, but then I got some even greater news....OH, MY CLASS IS AT 9 AM!! There are only 2 classes at 9 am (some people don't start till 5 pm!!!), and I am lucky enough to be in one of them!!! And not only do I not have Spanish class and have to get up at 7:30, but I have the class AGAIN, at 5-6:30 pm!!! Most people have it once a day for 3 hours, but my class is 1.5 hours in the classroom, and then another 1.5 hours learning in the streets, because so much culture/history of Spain is right here on the streets of Sevilla. Although this is a really cool opportunity, I could not help but laugh at my luck. Of course that would happen, class at 9 am and twice a day. But anyways, today I had my first day of classes and it wasn't bad. It was basically dark when I woke up, but Franny also has class at 9 so we at least have each other to walk with.

So far, I think the homestay has been the hardest part for me. And as much as I would like to blame it on the situation, I know that the problems are coming from myself. I really have a hard time feeling comfortable in other people's homes I think, so it has been very difficult to adjust to living in one permanently, especially one in a different country. Tita Charo has been extremely helpful and welcoming; she basically serves me every meal, asks me all the time what I like and don't like, makes sure I'm eating, drinking enough water, does my laundry, cleans my room, etc. However she is also very hard to understand. Even when I know the words she says, sometimes I don't understand them because of how they speak here. And I really hate feeling dumb haha, so that has been hard too. Fortunately the food has been a lot better lately (today I had rice and meat for lunch, and like an omelette and empanadas for dinner), but it's still a little uncomfortable because I know she thinks I'm really weird when it comes to eating (today she made a point of telling her nephew about how I don't eat tomatoes, milk, mayo, and coffee, and how at home I eat raw broccoli). But anyway, I have been trying to make the best of the situation and I keep reminding myself that it has only been a week!

I am also starting to get to know the city a little better. I know my area (Triana) fairly well, I know a few places in el centro pretty well, a few plazas...I'm getting there, poquito a poco as my Sra says! I also am starting to enjoy the city more as a result. I love all the little restaurants, coffee shops, and especially bakeries! I love the plazas and the shops. I love how people gather outside in the streets in the afternoon to socialize. And I really love the river.

There are also some things I've noticed that are very different and strange, but interesting to note. For example, dogs. Dogs here are either stray, very little and wearing a sweater, or big and SUPER hairy. And although its not legal, people let their dogs pee and poop anywhere they want and don't clean it up. You can literally be walking and have to stop and do a little sidestep because a dog just decided to stop in front of you and lift a leg. Also, people do NOT know how to walk. No one walks on any particular side of the sidewalk, they usually just take up the whole thing, and they walk so slow! It does not go well with my American pace haha. Smoking is definitely the one thing I have had the hardest time adjusting to though custom-wise. Everyone smokes everywhere, and I hate smelling like smoke! And my clothes and hair just permanently smell like it. Oh well.

Well I think that is all for now, I have homework to do! After week 1 I can officially say I am pretty happy here. I definitely have a lot more adjusting to do before I can say that I absolutely love it, but I think that is expected. Thanks to everyone for all the nice comments! I have been trying to upload pictures here, but thus far it hasn't worked. There are pictures on facebook. For those who don't have it, see if you can see them using this link:

I'll write again soon, hasta luego!!




  1. Oh Jess,
    I am really enjoying your blog. You are a terrific writer and I feel like I'm right there with you. I'm so glad that things have shaped up a bit for you. It's only going to get better from here on out. What a wonderful journey you are on! Thanks for keeping this blog, I love it. Can't wait to her what happens next.
    Love you and wish you the best time ever!
    Auntie Barbara

  2. ADVANCED level spanish??!! haha muy bien chica! I can not waitttt to hear about your trip to Granada!!!
