Monday, January 5, 2009


Hi everyone! Welcome to my blog! I'm not really sure how great of a blogger I'm going to be, but I'll try my best to keep everyone updated with stories and pictures while I am abroad!

As most of you know, I will be studying in Sevilla (or Seville for all you Americans), Spain this coming semester. I am VERY excited, but also a little bit nervous considering I am not going with any friends, and I have forgotten nearly all of my Spanish. So it should be interesting when I first get there, but I'm sure I'll catch on eventually!

I'm going through UW-Madison and CIEE, and I will be taking classes at the the Universidad de Sevilla and the CIEE Study Center. I will be living in a homestay, most likely with a Señora, but I don't find out until I get there.

I think that's about all for now...I leave in 13 days (Jan 18th), so until then I'm just getting some last minute things I need, and starting to pack! Yikes...


  1. Hi Jess- We are so excited about your semester in Spain. We are looking forward to your blogs along the way! Love you alot- Paul and Susie

  2. Jess,
    I know you will have a GREAT experience in Spain. I'm looking forward to your blog! Hope you like ham!

    Auntie Barbara

  3. Hey! Thanks for letting us all live vicariously through your adventures! OK--I'm jealous--it's official. It's also ridiculous that I have to use Jenna's g-mail account to write this!

  4. Hahaha, I was just about to freak out that Jenna used the word blog, you blogging nerd, you!

  5. I am very very jealous and wish I was back in Spain. I will most likley be reading your blog and stalking your fb pictures daily hahah Miss you already! Dont't forget to visit Granada and say hi for me!!

  6. Jess,

    I greatly look forward to following your blog. I hope you don't feel like you have to be compulsive about updating it, leave that up to me. I will miss seeing you more Jess, but greatly look forward to visiting you in Spain, and very excited for you.

    Love you always, Dad

  7. Hi Jess,
    I am so excited about your semester in Spain, and about reading your blog. We can all live vicariously through your adventures. Zach had a wonderful semester last year in Barcelona, in fact he's going back over his spring break. Maybe you can meet up with him somewhere in Espana. Travel safely, and enjoy every minute. Lots of love, Auntie Randi
